About Auto Club
What's New
- improvements to Verified mileage discount questionnaire for auto policy holders in Missouri - minor bug fixes in payments flow - improvements to featured membership discounts for members in AAA Northeast
Ratings & Reviews
Review Summary
People generally dislike the Auto Club app due to its numerous issues with hard braking detection, connectivity problems, continuous background operation draining batteries, and inaccuracies that affect user scores and insurance discounts.
The onboarding experience is a train wreck. The user interface doesn't match the documentation (specifically, the link to load my card into my Google wallet is not there). My password wasn't saved, so I have to reset it again. And I have to install one app, then another, then uninstall the first? Forgot it. I'll opt out because I'll be better off with a physical card than I will be with some buggy app.
Developer response:
Thank you for your feedback Tom. You may be using the AAA Mobile app (white icon) which is for a different club. Please only use the Auto Club app (blue icon), which is for members in our club. If you continue to have issues contact us at: [email protected] with ‘App Review’ in the subject line.
This app is trash. I had an avg score of 85 for the first few months (when it was too early to get the discount), then it quickly dropped to 64 with no explanation. I have a handful of hard brakes in the past 8 months, but nothing else. My score has not moved from 64 one point in either direction in over 3 months. Another app I use for the same time period has me at an 87. They want you to drive safer, but they don't want you to save money. It helps them, not you.
Have this app for the On Board driving discount. This app doesn't work for it's intended purpose. Edit 8/10/23 Bought a new car so I have to go through the on board process again, like my driving changes from one car to another. And now they want physical fitness access.....that is ABSURD!!! I will be switching insurance when my policy is up for renewal. Forgot to mention the extreme battery drain...
Developer response:
Thank you for your feedback, Dan. We apologize for the inconvenience. In order for the app to upload trips it needs to have Fitness access enabled. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] with ‘App Review’ in the subject line with any questions.
It seems using cruise control is not a good idea. When go down hill auto picks up speed. Then when you level out the auto brakes to get speed back down to set speed. This breaking registers as hard breaking.what a terrible app. 4 hard braking in one 20 mile trip. not acurate. I have talked to someone associated with this app. And I am doing very good as long as I have at least 85%. But still unhappy with app. I just got 3 hard braking that is so inaccurate. Did not happen. This app is trash
Developer response:
Cheryl, thank you for reaching out. Please try again, and if you continue to experience the same issue, please contact us at: [email protected] with 'App Review' in the subject line. Please include any relevant screenshots. Thank you!
If you are here to get Onboard discount using this app, let's me tell you it probably won't work. The app registers any slow down during driving as a "hard brake" event and count it as reckless driving. You don't have to slow down a lot, just a light tap on the brake will trigger it. It seems to trigger when there is 7-8mph change in one second, so the speed of you running on foot and then stop. Doing 60mph needs 8s to stop. It is just not possible. They made it that way to increase your rates.
Developer response:
Thank you for your feedback Nam. Hard braking is calculated by the phone’s GPS speed change in 1 second intervals. If a bag tips over then it’s likely hard braking. For further assistance please contact us at: [email protected] with ‘App Review’ in the subject line.
Terrible. Nice app, but doesn't do the main thing you want a roadside assistant app to do! No matter how you select "roadside assistance" it all starts by "loading [my] chat experience" and thats also where it ends. It never gets off the ground. Must be some awesome chat experience, because it needs more bandwidth than I can provide either via cellular data or wi-fi. After about 5 mins the phone is hot and the battery is diminished – 2 dead batteries now and no help!
Developer response:
Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience. Your feedback has been forwarded to our developers for review. If you'd like to provide additional feedback, please contact us at: [email protected] with 'App Review' in the subject line. Thank you!
I used the app for the first time today, because I needed a tow and I found a bug while using it on an Android phone. Setting up the tow was very easy. However, there is an overlay banner that gives you a summary of your tow submission that I can't swipe away, which is frustrating. So, now I can't see anything about the tow truck information or look at the map. I would give it more stars if this wasn't an issue.
Developer response:
We are really sorry for the trouble and we appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention, Christopher. We will look into this further. Thank you!
The issue that most people are having with the hard braking flag is accurate. This didn't happen at first. I'm not sure if it was a recent update or whatever but every trip I make gets flagged with hard braking. Even if I'm going down the street to the store at 10mph. The other issue is I'm not a fan of how it runs 24/7 in the background. I've also found other inconsistencies. Example. If I'm driving and my phone falls out of my seat to the floor it'll get flagged for speeding or hard braking.
I'm glad AAA has created a quality app such as this. It's been very convenient requesting roadside service. The multiple occasions I've done so, the response times felt quicker than when calling for service. It has been extremely convenient using the app when needing to show my card, but didn't physically have it with me. The same was true when needing to show proof of ins. at the DMV. I've used it to find the closest office, renew my membership & search for member benefits. Great app!
Like the app for keeping up w/account. BUT... It's not accurate w/the AAA Onboard. It shows hard stops when there are NOT hard stops, I did have 1 slow down, it did not show up (car cut me off, had a hard stop, to avoid totaling my vehicle). Frustrating! Hopefully this glitch gets fixed! UPDATE: During many of the 'hard breaking' happens when I'm driving down the road, no sudden slow down, has shown up when going the speed limit on the interstate, never slow, never touch the brake.
Developer response:
Hello Lois, a Hard Braking event is when you suddenly slow down for a single second and not necessarily when you come to a complete stop. If you have any additional questions about your enrollment please email us at [email protected] with "App Review" in the subject line. Please be sure to also include your membership number and phone number.